ABCDE a rapidly accessible and practical bed-side tool for rescuers
This medical app is developed for health care professionals who treat patients in medical emergencies concerning the adult non-trauma patient. This app summarizes the systematic approach of medical emergencies following the ABCDE method. In each letter there is a 4-step approach leading to the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening diseases with additional essential information. This app is a must-have bedside tool for medical students, residents, nurses and staff. We hope you will enjoy this app and that it is a viable aid in saving lives in emergency situations. Deze app is speciaal ontwikkeld voor de hulpverlener die te maken heeft met medische spoedsituaties bij volwassenen. Snel raadpleegbaar en praktisch helpt het zowel huisartsen en ambulancemedewerkers als artsen en verpleegkundigen in het ziekenhuis om gestructureerd en doeltreffend de vitaal bedreigde patiënt te onderzoeken en te behandelen. Leidraad is de ABCDE-systematiek waarbij de levensbedreigende aandoeningen met de grootste prioriteit het eerst opgespoord en behandeld worden. Daarnaast geeft de app praktische en beknopte achtergrond informatie over de diverse parameters en ziektebeelden. De app is ook complementair aan het boek “medische spoedsituaties: de systematische benadering” van Tycho Olgers, Martine Oosterloo en Jan ter Maaten (2e herziene druk, Prelum 2015), dat wij van harte aanbevelen voor meer achtergronden van het opsporen en behandelen van medische spoedsituaties. Wij hopen met deze app een bijdrage te leveren aan de patiëntveiligheid door u te ondersteunen in de systematische benadering van uw acuut zieke patiënten. Feedback ter verbetering van de app is van harte welkom.De Stichting Acute Geneeskunde Noord-Nederland (SAGNN), 2016The Northern Dutch Acute Medicine Foundation (SAGNN), 2016www.sagnn.nlDisclaimer:Ondanks dat deze app met veel zorgvuldigheid is samengesteld blijft de gebruiker zelf verantwoordelijk voor het gebruik ervan in de praktijk en de daarmee samenhangende patiëntenzorg. Voor vragen of opmerkingen kunt u mailen naar: [email protected]. Suggesties ter verbetering worden hoog gewaardeerd.CE markering: Medische app’s kunnen vallen onder een medisch hulpmiddel en vereisen daarmee soms CE markering. De ABCDE-app is geen computerprogramma maar een elektronisch document met behandelprotocollen en valt daarom NIET onder medisch hulpmiddel. CE markering is daarmee niet vereist. This app has been developed with the utmost care by experts working in the emergency department and internal medicine. This app is designed for medical professionals only. The developers cannot take any responsibility for the results, consequences and damage following the use of this app. Questions and suggestions are highly appreciated. Please contact our team: [email protected] medical app is overdeveloped for healthcare professionals who treat a patient in medical emergencies Concerning the adult non-trauma patient. This app summarizes the systematic approach of medical emergencies Following the ABCDE method. In each letter there is a four-step approach leading to the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening diseases with additional essential information. This app is a must-have bedside tool for medical students, residents, nurses and staff. We hope you will enjoy this app and That it is a viable aid in saving lives in emergency situations.This app is specially designed for the care that has to do with emergency medical conditions in adults. Quickly accessible and practical help both doctors and ambulance staff and doctors and nurses in the hospital structured and effectively to examine the critically ill patient and treat. The guiding principle is the ABCDE system in which the life-threatening conditions first detected with the highest priority and treated. In addition, the app provides practical and concise background information on the various parameters and diseases.The app is also complementary to the book "emergency medical situations: the systematic approach" Tycho Olgers, Martine Oosterloo and Jan ter Maaten (2nd revised edition, Prelum 2015), that we heartily recommend for more background to detect and treat medical emergency situations.We hope this app to make a contribution to support the patient by you in the systematic approach to your acutely ill patients. Feedback to improve the app is welcome.The Foundation for Acute Medicine North Netherlands (SAGNN), 2016The Northern Dutch Acute Medicine Foundation (SAGNN), 2016www.sagnn.nlDisclaimer:Despite this app with great carefulness, the user remains responsible for its use in practice and related patient care. For questions or comments please email us at: [email protected]. Suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.CE Marking: Medical app can be covered by a medical device and therefore may require CE marking. The ABCDE app is not a computer but an electronic document with treatment protocols and therefore is NOT covered medical device. CE marking is therefore not required.This app HAS BEEN overdeveloped with the Utmost care by experts working in the emergency department and internal medicine. This app is designed for medical professionals only. The developers can not take any responsibility for the results, Consequences and damage Following The use of this app. Send questions and suggestions are highly appreciated. Please contact our team: [email protected]
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